SOS IR delegates attended three key meetings in Asia early this year to strengthen cross-border cooperation and international solidarity with seafarer unions.
The delegate attended a joint all Japan seamen’s union (JSU) / Singapore Maritime Officers’ Union (SMOU) / SOS Summit Meeting on Jan 12 in Tokyo, Japan.

Union leaders from SMOU, JSU and SOS
SOS President Kam Soon Huat, Executive Secretary Chen Chuanyi, IR Officers Eugene Guo and Alan Kor, attended the meeting.
The three unions shared information on the Covid-19 situation in their respective countries, as well as shipping industry trends and operations. They also discussed existing MoUs to explore ways to further strengthen their multilateral relations.
The second event, the Nautilus Federation Meeting, was held at the same venue, two days later on Jan 14. The meeting was joined by delegates from the Merchant Navy Officers’ Guild – Hong Kong (MNOG-HK) and Nautilus International. The discussion focused on solidarity and alliance, with delegates exchanging information and sharing best practices on seafarers’ welfare.
Delegates also discussed ways to strengthen bonds among ITF affiliates and provided updates on upcoming events and conferences.
On Feb 16, Brother Kam and Brother Chen also attended the Federation of Korean Seafarers’ Union (FKSU) Annual Congress in Busan, South Korea. The event was attended by more than 200 delegates and key decision-makers, including the minister of Oceans and Fisheries and members of the National Assembly.
The event allowed FKSU’s partners to convene and renew their commitment to shared goals. SOS congratulated Brother Park Seong Yong on his election as the FKSU’s 31st president and thanked Immediate Past President Brother Chung Tae Kil for his leadership and valuable contributions.
SOS looks forward to attending more such events to further strengthen its ties and international alliance.
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