It is no easy feat to maintain one hundred per cent work efficiency with strict health and safety regulations to combat COVID-19. Multi-channel contact centre The Connect Centre, however, did just that.
The company offered its staff the flexibility and option to either work-from-home or work-in-office. Should they prefer the latter, social distancing measures are strictly enforced in the office space. Whichever option, though, it allowed employees to focus all tasks on hand, not at all comprising personal well-being and work efficiency to meet every client’s needs.
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One of the greatest impact COVID-19 has made in the world is pushing companies to undertake what has been described as the world’s largest remote working experiment.
Remote working, tele-commuting or work-from-home (WFH), was required of most employees (with the exception of essential workers) in order to guard against potential COVID-19 transmission when Circuit-Breaker (CB) started in early April.
As the nation entered into Phase One after the end of CB on 30 May, employers have been advised to continue WFH as the default work arrangement unless employees have a demonstrable need to return to the workplace.
The Connect Centre, a multi-channel contact centre, adopted a flexible working culture and implemented technology that enabled its employees to work from anywhere effectively, safely and securely.
Through a flexible work arrangement, employees could either choose to WFH or work-in-office. Whichever choice they make, their personal well-being or work efficiency are not compromised amid the COVID-19 social distancing regulations.
For those who prefer to work-in-office, social distancing measures are enforced in the office space – twice daily temperature checks, the wearing of face masks at all times, cleaning of work stations and equipment before and after work. Office teams are grouped into two teams, each team comprising a team manager, team leader and two to three team members. The two office teams are to work separately and if there’s a need to meet other team members not within the assigned group, it is conducted virtually via mobile or Zoom app. Employees who feel unwell are required to see a doctor and issued a Stay-Home-Notice (SHN).
Leveraging on the automation, scale, and ubiquity of cloud technology, digital workspaces give employees access to applications and information needed to come together virtually and get work done from their homes in a productive and secure manner. So, this works out perfectly for employees who prefer to WFH.
To maintain close collaboration between work teams, Zoom meetings are held daily with the operational teams or as and when required. The team managers and leaders organise meetings to provide/ask for frequent updates on the happenings from home/office.
Throughout this experience, Connect Centre has been able to demonstrate agility, speed and efficiency to manage resources in dynamic ways that unpredictable business environments in a post-COVID world demands. At the same time, staying connected with clients whenever and wherever.