In brief:
- Singapore (Nantong) International Maritime Institute (SNIMI) kicked off Year 2021 with two training sessions conducted for Seacare Quality Rating Training (SQRT) batches 77 and 78.
- Unlike previous trainings, like SQRT 71 and 72, these were conducted digitally due to a slight increase in COVID-19 cases across several regions in the country.
- Trainees still managed to achieve good scores for their linguistic test, for instance.
Visit e-Samudra or Issue 5 (20/21) for more stories.

SQRT 77 Revision on IPA by trainer Lilith.
Fifty ratings kicked off 2021 with the Seacare Quality Rating Training (SQRT)—forming the 77th and 78th batch of the maritime training programme aimed at improving the language and work proficiency necessary for quality work on board.
Conducted by Singapore (Nantong) International Maritime Institute (SNIMI), both cohorts were taught online as SNIMI focuses on a digital learning environment amid the ongoing pandemic.
As with past online training, lessons were conducted by trainers on campus in Nantong, China. Trainees, meanwhile, logged in remotely from their respective locations. Some platforms used to ensure an effective and engaging learning experience were Tencent Conference and WeChat messenger.
Remote learning, though, proved to be a barrier for the majority of trainees. More than 75 per cent fared a below-average to poor in their English language proficiency assessment. By the end of the four-week training, however, the trainees improved to an above-average and good score.
The positive jump in their results left the trainees impressed with the efficacy of remote learning, whilst appreciating the dedication of SNIMI trainers in ensuring they complete SQRT courses with the highest possible score, however far they are from campus.

SQRT 78 trainee studying hard for the linguistic test.
Find out more about SNIMI here. The mission of SNIMI is to provide quality maritime education and training that best meet the mandatory and non-mandatory Merchant Marine courses for both international and local shipping companies.