Seafarer Snapshot: Life on the Rolling Waves – A Successful Photo Exhibition

SOS organised a photo exhibition in conjunction with the Day of the Seafarer 2024, titled “Seafarers’ Snapshot: Life on the Rolling Waves,” co-sponsored by SMOU and ITF. The event, held over three days from June 21 to June 23, was well-attended, offering numerous engagement touchpoints for visitors.  

SOS President Kam Soon Huat shared ,”SOS is hosting this photo exhibition to celebrate the Day of the Seafarers. We hope that through these photos , the public will gain an understanding of the working conditions and sacrifices made by seafarers” 

The highlight of the exhibition was the collection of photographs taken by seafarers, showcasing the challenges and environmental hurdles they face, alongside moments of joy amid their grueling work. This visual narrative offered a profound insight into the multifaceted lives of those who navigate the high seas.  

Beyond the photo display, a special station was set up for the public to send well wishes to seafarers. Both adults and children enthusiastically penned messages of encouragement, which will be collated and printed on gifts for seafarers during SOS ship visits. This station became a family activity, with many coming together to express their appreciation for the sacrifices made by seafarers.  

Another highlight was the feedback station, where visitors could share their opinions on pressing issues affecting seafarers, such as connectivity challenges and modern-day piracy. The interactive nature of this station allowed for a deeper understanding of the public’s concerns and suggestions.  

One visiting seafarer expressed appreciation for the exhibition’s comprehensive portrayal of their lives, recognising the behind-the-scenes glimpse it offered. To cap off the event, regular interactive quizzes were held, with limited-edition customised mini figurines made from lego parts given to all participants and a complete ship set  with a mini figurine awarded to quiz winners. 

The “Seafarer Snapshot” exhibition successfully raised greater awareness and appreciation for seafarers’ lives, helping shed light to the otherwise invisible work that seafarers do.

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